Other Building a custom REST API Building a REST api via the ASP_Query class
The WordPress built in REST API supports extension via the register_rest_route function. We can use that to build a custom REST interface to access the search results.
In the following examples the ASP_Query class is used in the REST API handler functions.
Simple search example
In this example a simple search is executed by sending the "s" and "id" arguments to the
endpoint via a POST request.
What is this, and where do I put this custom code?
Copy /**
Sample payload query arguments:
's' => 'test',
'id' => 1
function asp_custom_rest_handler ( $data ) {
$defaults = $args = array (
's' => '' ,
'id' => - 1
foreach ( $defaults as $k => $v ) {
$param = $data -> get_param ( $k ) ;
if ( $param !== null ) {
$args[$k] = $param;
$asp_query = new ASP_Query ($args , $args[ 'id' ]);
return $asp_query -> posts;
// POST to: http://example.com/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/search
add_action ( 'rest_api_init' , function () {
register_rest_route ( 'ajax-search-pro/v0' , '/search' , array(
'methods' => 'POST' ,
'callback' => 'asp_custom_rest_handler' ,
) ) ;
} ) ;
Sample request
Copy curl --location -g --request POST 'http://test.local/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/search?s=test&id=1
Copy $response = wp_safe_remote_post (
'http://test.local/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/search' ,
'body' => array(
's' => 'test' ,
'id' => 1
) ;
var_dump ( $response[ 'body' ] ) ;
Search with post taxonomy filters
In this example a simple search is executed by sending the "s" and "id" as well as "post_tax_filter" arguments to the
endpoint via a POST request.
What is this, and where do I put this custom code?
Copy /**
Sample payload query arguments:
's' => 'test',
'id' => 1,
'post_tax_filter' => array(
'category' => array(1, 2),
'post_tag' => array(3)
function asp_custom_rest_handler ( $data ) {
$defaults = $args = array (
's' => '' ,
'id' => - 1
$params = $data -> get_params () ;
foreach ( $defaults as $k => $v ) {
if ( isset ( $params[$k] ) && $params[$k] !== null ) {
$args[$k] = $params[$k];
// Post taxonomy filter
if ( isset ( $params[ 'post_tax_filter' ] ) ) {
$args[ 'post_tax_filter' ] = array ();
foreach ( $params[ 'post_tax_filter' ] as $taxonomy => $terms ) {
if ( taxonomy_exists ( $taxonomy ) && is_array ( $terms ) && count ( $terms ) ) {
$args[ 'post_tax_filter' ][] = array (
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy ,
'include' => array_map ( 'intval' , $terms ),
'allow_empty' => false
$asp_query = new ASP_Query ($args , $args[ 'id' ]);
return $asp_query -> posts;
// POST to: http://example.com/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v2/id/1/search
add_action ( 'rest_api_init' , function () {
register_rest_route ( 'ajax-search-pro/v0' , '/search' , array(
'methods' => 'POST' ,
'callback' => 'asp_custom_rest_handler' ,
) ) ;
} ) ;
Sample request
Copy curl --location -g --request POST 'http://test.local/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/search?s=test&id=1&post_tax_filter[category][]=1&post_tax_filter[category][]=2&post_tax_filter[post_tag][]=3'
Copy $response = wp_safe_remote_post (
'http://test.local/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/search' ,
'body' => array(
's' => 'test' ,
'id' => 1 ,
'post_tax_filter' => array(
'category' => array( 1 , 2 ) ,
'post_tag' => array( 3 )
) ;
var_dump ( $response[ 'body' ] ) ;