Using the Ajax Search Pro Rest API

Enabling the REST API

To use the Rest API, it has to be enabled first under the Compatibility options menu.

REST API Endpoints

All endpoints can be accessed under the ajax-search-pro/v0 namespace at this moment. Both GET and POST methods are supported.

All endpoints with examples can be found on this Postman link

Generic Search Endpoint


Query Parameters

  • s (string)(Required) - search phrase

  • id (int)(Optional) - Search instance


Postman collection link

curl --location --request GET 'https://test.local/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/search?s=test&id=1'

WooCommerce only Search Endpoint


The main difference between this and the generic search endpoint is, that this will try to find the first search instance, which is configured for WooCommerce search (when the ID query parameter is not defined)

Query Parameters

  • s (string)(Required) - search phrase

  • id (int)(Optional) - Search instance. When not defined, the plugin will try to find the first search instance with the "product" custom post type selected. If not found, or no instances exist, then will trigger a search for the "product" custom post type with the default configuration.


Postman collection link

curl --location --request GET 'https://test.local/wp-json/ajax-search-pro/v0/woo_search?s=test&id=1'

WooCommerce only search specific endpoing

Last updated

Copyright Ernest Marcinko