
SearchQuery class usage to fetch results with Ajax Search Pro

The WPDRMS\ASP\Query\SearchQuery() class is a wrapper to access Ajax Search Pro search features programmatically in your own code.


$asp_query = new WPDRMS\ASP\Query\SearchQuery();
foreach ( $asp_query->posts as $result ) {
	* $result (stdClass object) {
	*   -> Same properties as in WP_Post +
	*   'asp_data' (stdClass object) {	
	*      Properties always present:	
	*         'id' -> Post or other result object (taxonomy term, user etc..) ID,
	*         'title' -> Result title
	*         'content' -> Result content
	*         'image' -> Result image URL
	*         'post_type' -> Result post type (if available)
	*         'content_type' -> Content type (pagepost, user, term, attachment etc..)
	*         'author' -> Author display name (empty string where does not apply)
	*         'blogid' -> Blog ID (for multisites)
	*      Optional properties
	*         'post_mime_type' -> (for media results only) Mime type
	*         'taxonomy' -> (for term results only) Taxonomy name
	*         'user_login' -> (for user results only) User login name
	*         'user_nicename' -> (for user results only) User nicename
	*         'user_display_name' -> (for user results only) User display_name
	*   }
	* }
	// do your thing

The class constructor accepts two optional parameters, the arguments, and the search ID

$asp_query = new WPDRMS\ASP\Query\SearchQuery( array $args, int $search_id );
  • $args (array) - array of search arguments, for the possible arguments please check the asp_query_args documentation

  • $search_id (int) - the relevant search instance ID. When set, the plugin will fetch the search instance default configuration and use them as the default query arguments. The $args argument can still override this default configuration if needed.

Example uses

For the possible arguments please check the asp_query_args documentation

Generic search by default configuration, without search instance

$args = array(
	's' => 'test'
$asp_query = new WPDRMS\ASP\Query\SearchQuery($args);
foreach ( $asp_query->posts as $result ) {
	// do your thing

Search based on configuration of search instance = 1

$args = array(
	's' => 'test'
$asp_query = new WPDRMS\ASP\Query\SearchQuery($args, 1);
foreach ( $asp_query->posts as $result ) {
	// do your thing

Generic search with more arguments

$args = array(
	"s" => $phrase,
	"_ajax_search" => false,
	'keyword_logic' => 'AND',
	'secondary_logic' => 'OR',
	"posts_per_page" => 20,
	'post_type' => $ptypes,
	'post_status' => array('publish', 'future', 'pending', 'private'),
	'post_fields' => array(
		'title', 'ids'
$asp_query = new WPDRMS\ASP\Query\SearchQuery();
foreach ( $asp_query->posts as $result ) {
	// do your thing

Last updated